Monday, April 26, 2010

The Poet and The Painter

Dear Poet,
Write Your words
Upon my heart
Like canvass
Noun and verb
This sacred art
My hands, I think
Could be Your ink

Dear Painter,
Paint my mind
One solid hue
Like poems
Each brush stroke
A hint of You
My pride must hush
To be Your brush

And Your poetry
Is Your grace in me...
My death, Your potpourri


  1. This is probably my favorite poem you've written. So beautiful and such a real love depicted in this!

  2. wow. thanks you guys. In that case, I'll try and post a video of me singing this sometime soon.

  3. My death, Your potpourri-best line ever.

  4. thanks Chris. We prayed for ya last night as well as everyone else on the list.
